prepared Cockpit Overview

Learn about the benefits of the prepared Cockpit and its main features

The prepared Cockpit is your central platform for supporting and optimizing the implementation and use of the prepared app in your institution. It enables you to efficiently manage learning and training processes, monitor progress, and promote targeted competency development.

Benefits of the prepared Cockpit

  • User Adoption Insights: Support the successful introduction of our assessment system by providing key insights into how trainees and supervisors engage with and adopt the platform.

  • Comprehensive Competency Insights: Get a full picture of competencies across all your trainees, enabling institution-wide assessments while identifying strengths and areas for growth.

  • Centralized Management: Manage supervisor roles, your courses directory and EPA-based qualification profiles in one place.

Features Overview

Statistics Dashboard

  • Overview of usage data and app activities to help you implement workplace-based assessments and our prepared app within your organization and

  • Development of workplace-based assessments over time

  • Leaderboards for trainees and supervisors based on number of assessments in a select timeframe.

Trainees and their Competencies

  • Overview of all trainees

  • Detailed insight into each trainee's individual competencies and learning progress

Trainee Competency Profile Screenshot

Competency Explorer

The Competency Explorer is a powerful tool that goes beyond viewing individual trainee summaries. It helps you take targeted actions to develop competencies and assess suitability for specific roles or tasks.

Competency Explorer Screenshot

  • Comparison with Target Profiles: Create qualification profiles that define the required supervision level for each EPA and compare all trainees' progress with these profiles. The result list of trainees is ordered by how well they fulfill the qualification profile requirements, with the most advanced and best-suited trainees appearing at the top.

  • Gap Identification: Instantly see who is progressing according to documented assessments, where further development is needed, and identify opportunities for tailored teaching.

For example, a program director can use the Competency Explorer to identify trainees who meet the criteria for taking on additional responsibilities, such as night shifts, based on their documented EPA levels. Conversely, it highlights those who require focused support in specific areas, enabling targeted mentoring or additional training.

Documented Courses

  • Track the course attendance of your trainees.

  • Ensure complete documentation of training sessions.

Management Area

Supervisor Requests

  • Approve or revoke supervisor roles.

Courses Management

  • Define and manage courses for trainees to document their attendance and progress.

  • Assign courses to specific training levels (e.g., third-year students).

  • Generate and share course QR codes for easy confirmation of attendance.

Qualification Profiles

  • Create and manage qualification profiles to streamline trainee evaluations.

  • Define expected competencies for specific roles or training levels across EPAs.

  • Use qualification profiles to set target levels for end-of-education goals, intermediate milestones, or task-specific requirements, such as independently handling night shifts.

Important Requirement: Data Sharing

For the prepared Cockpit to function optimally, it is essential that all users – both trainees and supervisors – explicitly share their data.

This enables:

  • The use of app data for tailored training plans and task assignments.

  • Smooth implementation of the app in your institution.

Please inform your trainees and supervisors to enable the first 2 data privacy settings in order to let you access their usage as well as competency data.

More detailed instructions of the settings can be found here.