Cockpit: Dashboard and Privacy Settings

What data is included on the statistics dashboard page, depending on data privacy settings of your users

Dashboard Content Overview

The statistics dashboard can be accessed here. It shows assessment activity of your institution in the selected date range, plus details about each trainee and supervisor, given that they share their data with you.

Please note that user data is included or not depending on their data privacy settings.

As data belongs to each individual user by default, trainees and supervisors must actively provide consent to data sharing with your institution at the time of registration or on their settings page.


The sections below refer to the data privacy settings by their corresponding numbers in this screenshot.

Please also note that the numbers on the statistics dashboard page is updated every night, therefore not including new assessments and activities of the current day. 

Assessment Statistics

Please note that the assessments are shown based on the selected date range and are grouped by calendar week.

Data privacy settings needed: As this is anonymized statistical data only, assessments are included for trainees who have given consent to data sharing setting 3 (your institution) and if they currently have the appropriate prepared version and institution set.


Trainee Activity

Please note that the trainees and their activities are shown based on the selected date range.

Data privacy settings needed: Trainees are only included with their name and activities if they have given consent to data sharing setting 2 (implementation of preparedEPA) and if they currently have the appropriate prepared version and institution set.


Supervisor Activity

Please note that the supervisors and their activities are shown based on the selected date range.

Data privacy settings needed: Supervisors are only included with their name and activities if they have given consent to data sharing setting 2 (implementation of preparedEPA) and if they currently have the appropriate prepared version and institution set.


Data Sharing Setting 1: Tailored Teaching and Assignment

A quick note regarding data sharing setting 1: This setting is about trainee's competencies including all details, and used e.g. for our "competency explorer", and not relevant for any content on the statistics dashboard page.