prepared360 multi-source feedback system

Collect as much meaningful feedback as possible by ensuring that your feedback givers only need to answer questions applicable to them!

First version launched!

Thanks to a close collaboration with the IML in Berne and after months of software development, a first version of the app is now available. 

Want to test the app, and get mentored by us? Sign up for the test! If you are interested in implementing the system at your institution, contact our sales.

Do you want to get to know the app right away? Scan the QR code to download it.

prepared360 QR


A new paradigm for multi-source feedback

Why you should introduce our app at your institution:

  • Don't waste your time on one-sided bottom-up or top-down feedback. These always risk to reflect only biased the actual competencies of an employee.
    With comprehensive feedback from different hierarchy levels and possibly even different professional groups, you promote the personal growth of your employees.

    With prepared360 you can easily conduct regular 360° feedback involving different hierarchy levels and thus provide your team members with valuable feedback from their colleagues. The days of unilateral feedback can be comfortably left behind.

  • Usability in Focus

    With prepared360, for the first time you can conduct multisource/360° feedback with your team without any hassles and without spending an enormous amount of time.

    Our application allows you to digitally invite feedback providers with just a few clicks. The rest of the process is completely automated. The feedback providers can choose on which topics they can give feedback. Furthermore, they can choose by click whether they want to give feedback anonymously or by stating their name.
    Furthermore, each individual feedback is additionally weighted, which in the end enables an assessment with real significance.
    The collected feedback is digitally forwarded to the mentor, who will then conduct a guided feedback conversation with the mentee, at the end of which one or more learning objectives will be agreed upon and documented.

  • prepared360 is not an HR tool but dedicated to the growth of your team. Continuing education and team development must not be limited to skills and knowledge, but must also focus on personal attitude.

Don't waste your time on one-sided bottom-up or top-down feedback. These always risk to reflect only biased the actual competencies of an employee.
With comprehensive feedback from different hierarchy levels and possibly even different professional groups, you promote the personal growth of your employees.

With prepared360 you can easily conduct regular 360° feedback involving different hierarchy levels and thus provide your team members with valuable feedback from their colleagues. The days of unilateral feedback can be comfortably left behind.

Usability in Focus

With prepared360, for the first time you can conduct multisource/360° feedback with your team without any hassles and without spending an enormous amount of time.

Our application allows you to digitally invite feedback providers with just a few clicks. The rest of the process is completely automated. The feedback providers can choose on which topics they can give feedback. Furthermore, they can choose by click whether they want to give feedback anonymously or by stating their name.
Furthermore, each individual feedback is additionally weighted, which in the end enables an assessment with real significance.
The collected feedback is digitally forwarded to the mentor, who will then conduct a guided feedback conversation with the mentee, at the end of which one or more learning objectives will be agreed upon and documented.

prepared360 is not an HR tool but dedicated to the growth of your team. Continuing education and team development must not be limited to skills and knowledge, but must also focus on personal attitude.


Customers who purchase both apps at the same time and pay a full onboarding price for preparedEPA do not have to pay anything for the onboarding of prepared360.

Existing preparedEPA customers who book prepared360 at a much later date will pay the reduced onboarding price.

One-time costs

Number of users

Onboarding standard 

1- 10  

CHF 1000.- 

10 - 20 

CHF 1`400.- 

20 - 30  

CHF 1`800.- 

40 - 50 

CHF 3`000.- 


CHF 5`000.- 



Monthly costs

The price is based on the number of users (mentees and mentors together)

Standard price per user and month CHF 4.80
For existing preparedEPA users CHF 2.80

Basic onboarding* is for customers who do not require any further measures apart from a one-off online introductory meeting and printed material (one-pager, poster)

If a customer who started with Basic Onboarding later decides to upgrade to Premium Onboarding, they still have to pay the remaining onboarding fee.


International pricing

We are happy to offer our foreign customers an individual offer tailored to their place of residence.

Looking for support?

Need help using our app, or are you curious to find out more about CBME, EPAs and related topics? Read our FAQ below, or browse our resource library.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this app about?

The prepared360 app as well as the corresponding web-version fosters multisource feedback focusing on personal growth of a mentee.

How can I use the prepared360 app?

To use prepared360, your institution needs a contract with us. If you are interested in being one of our first prepared360 customers, please email us at

What is 360° or multisource feedback an why is it useful?

Multisource or 360° feedback (MSF) promotes personal growth and has the potential to strengthen continuing medical education.

Continuing medical education addresses three areas: Theoretical knowledge, clinical skills, and professional attitudes ("Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes"), which should be covered in formative and summative assessments. While the knowledge part is addressed, for example, in theoretical residency exams and clinical skills can be captured with formats such as Mini-CEX/ DOPS, the practical residency exams, and the concept of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs), assessment in the area of professional attitude is still largely unstructured. Multisource or 360° feedback is an established form of standardized assessment in continuing (medical) education that can capture various aspects of professional activity, including professional attitude. Employees of different hierarchical levels and different professional groups give feedback on different aspects of professional activity (e.g. team aspects, social competence, etc.) by means of a questionnaire.

Multisource feedback is usually associated with a high organizational effort due to the participation of many people. prepared360 offers the possibility to provide feedback easily for the evaluators and without excessive time effort for the organizers.

Through standardized concrete feedback, the mentees are given the opportunity to develop further and to identify the points that are strengths or where an improvement can be sought.

What is the advantage of app based 360° feedback?

prepared360 includes the entire process from selecting feedback providers to sending the feedback-requests to the selected persons as well as the automated summary and intuitive presentation of the feedback result.

From the data collection to the assessment process to the evaluation step, prepared360 stands out from other feedback options. It is intuitive to use and, through intelligent design, slims down the task of laboriously working through results and responses for mentors to an intuitive and easy process.

Who designed the questions in the prepared360 app?

The questions for the prepared360 app are designed and evaluated by the Institute for Medical Education (IML) from University of Bern.

Who supports this project?

prepared360 (former MSFtoGO) is supported by the SIWF Projektförderung 2021. Thank you for this great opportunity.

What is the difference between prepared360 and preparedEPA?

preparedEPA fosters competency based medical Education (CBME) by enabling digital workplace-based assessments (WBAs) and focusing on knowledge and especially on manual activities.

The focus of prepared360 is personal growth through feedback on your personal attitude.

Since personal attitude as well as professional knowledge and skills are all important components of a sound medical education, the two applications complement each other perfectly.